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Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom

about us

Our mission is to educate Virginia's children about the importance of agriculture.

Why teach agriculture?

Most of our children will not experience farm life as part of their upbringing. In fact, children are as far removed from the natural world and agriculture has they have ever been because for the first time in U.S. history, more families are living in cities than in rural areas. Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) connects children to agriculture by helping educators and students understand the impact of agriculture on their daily lives, their health, society, the economy, and the environment. Our goal is to help students gain a greater awareness and understanding for agriculture and its many processes.

What is Agriculture in the Classroom?

Virginia AITC is a statewide educational program providing resources, training and support to schools, educators and volunteers so that they can meaningfully connect children to agriculture. We do this through AITC-designed lessons and resources, educator training workshops, newsletters, school grants, teacher awards, and volunteer projects and initiatives such as Agriculture Literacy Week.  Recognizing that instructional time is highly valuable, our lessons are designed to support core subjects and uphold the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL).

Program Impact

Over 500,000 children and 20,000 educators are served through the education and outreach efforts of Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom annually. Over the thirty plus years of the program more than 4,500,000 children and youth have had opportunities to participate in program initiatives to increase agricultural literacy. Since its beginning, Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom has served over 450,000 educators by providing professional development, school grants, and educational resources that increase children's knowledge and appreciation of agriculture. Educators, volunteers, and families can access resources through the Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom's website, social media platforms, professional development series and special events.

Who pays for Agriculture in the Classroom?

The program is funded through donations to the Virginia Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions from individuals, corporations, agricultural organizations and private foundations make AITC's programs and services possible. The generosity of our supporters enables AITC to provide quality programs and continue to develop new and interesting resources that meet the needs of educators across Virginia and provide all services at no cost to teachers or school divisions.


In 1987, the Virginia Farm Bureau established the Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom program (AITC) to educate teachers and students about the importance of agriculture. AITC is a part of a nationwide effort to help teachers and students understand and appreciate agriculture—Virginia and the nation's largest industry. There are corresponding efforts in all of the 50 states, but it is the only initiative of its kind in Virginia.  

Board of Directors

Agriculture in the Classroom's Board of Directors provides direction, guidance, and fundraising support. We are always looking for board members with vision and a desire to help us grow. For more information about our nominating process, email