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Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom


Valley Clay Shoot

Valley Clay Shoot
March 21, 2025
Flying Rabbit Sporting Clays
5337 S. Valley Pike
Mt. Crawford, VA 22841

Join us for the 2025 Valley Clay Shoot to support Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC)! AITC connects Virginia's children to agriculture through meaningful experiences and educational resources. As a state-wide nonprofit organization, AITC provides educators, volunteers and families with the tools and resources to help teach children where their food comes from and the many processes of agriculture.

Day of Schedule (Subject to Change)

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
Event Registration
8:45 AM
Welcome & Instructions
9:00 AM
Competition Begins

Lunch & Awards to be held at the conclusion of the event.

**Please plan to provide your own ammo for the event. You may be able to purchase ammo from Flying Rabbit the day of the event but that cannot be guaranteed at this time.**

Interested in sponsoring?
Pay by Credit Card

To register for our Valley Clay Shoot event online and pay with a credit card, please visit the following link:

Pay by Check

Please make checks payable to "Virginia Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom" and mail the form with payment to the following address:

Virginia Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom
PO Box 27552
Richmond, VA 23261

To discuss sponsorship opportunities or event details, please contact: Brian Walsh | (540) 325-4981.

We look forward to seeing you at this year's event!